Can Someone Recommend a Restaurant... Seattle?
I'm leaving the nasty humid wonderland (it's 93 at 10am) of Washington, DC for 4 days to attend a conference in the beautiful northwest. True, I'm good at finding restaurants on my own... but I've never been to Seattle (it's the biggest US city I haven't visited), so I really don't know where to start. I crave seafood (that narrows it down, doesn't it?). So I turn to you, blogosphere, for help in satisfying my culinary itch.
Stay tuned here for pictures, live, from my trip!
1 comment:
Great sushi...close to Pike Place Market
Speaking of Pike Place Market, go there and ship some salmon home, or pickup a local smoked salmon...mmm.
Excellent seafood...great atmosphere...been there and it's a great place, rates well on here as well:
Try that for more .nfo.
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